Senate approves bill to require fiscal impact and funding source for voter initiatives

2023-04-29 00:19:51 By : admin
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The Idaho Senate has approved a bill that would require voter initiatives to have a clearly defined fiscal impact and funding source. The House-amended Senate Bill 1350a will now go to Governor Brad Little for his signature.
Senate approves House-amended bill to require fiscal impact, funding source for initiatives | Eye on Boise |

The Senate voted to suspend its rules to allow it to take up the amended bill, which was introduced by Senator (name removed). The bill had originally passed the Senate earlier this year, but was amended by the House before being passed back to the Senate for final approval.

Under the new legislation, any future voter initiative would be required to identify a funding source and provide a fiscal note, which would detail the potential financial impact of the initiative. The goal of the new law is to ensure that voters are fully informed about the potential consequences of a ballot initiative before they cast their votes.

Supporters of the bill say that it will help prevent voter initiatives from passing without a clear understanding of their costs and consequences. They argue that the new law will promote greater transparency and accountability in the initiative process, and help ensure that voters are making informed decisions.

Opponents of the bill, on the other hand, argue that it will make it more difficult for grassroots movements to gain traction and push for change. They say that requiring a funding source and fiscal note will discourage voters from supporting potentially beneficial initiatives that they may not fully understand.

Regardless of the debate, the bill has now passed the Idaho Legislature and will soon become law. It remains to be seen how the new law will impact voter initiatives in the future, but it is sure to be closely watched by both proponents and opponents of the initiative process.